Last month, we had proposed you an interminable interview of Art Sullivan. To celebrate his 40 years of career, at the beginning of January (December 15th in digital) will take out a new compilation of its biggest tubes, included a remix of "Tout est dans tout" and of the long version of " Fan Fan Fan ". Art received us again to speak to us about this album about event...
IdolesMag: Was it important for you to mark the occasion of your 40 years of career with an album?
Art Sullivan: For an artist, it's always important. Whether it's to celebrate 40 years, 20 years, 10 years, or even one year. When I began to sing, I always said to myself that the following year it would be finished. And it has been 40 years since I'm always somewhere... And after 40 years, that a compilation stands out (I took out one to Portugal, but it's not available in France), for me that remains a mystery...
Of what does it compose this compilation?
The former successes of the 70's. There is also a title in long version, "Fan Fan Fan", as well as a song in the Portuguese and a title enough little known by the public, I think. It is a question of "Je te aime".
About what does it speak about this song?
It's one very very attractive song, but a little bit special. In French, we don't say "Je teaime". But I had thought of this form by thinking about the love. The extremely joined love the hatred somewhere. The love can very fast fall over. And we say "Je te hais". This song speaks about the fact that I'm always in the position of "Je te aime", but I love you so much whom I'm there almost in "Je te hais". It was my minute of philosophy (roars of laughter)
We also find the remix on 2010 of "Tout est dans tout".
Completely. It's one of great surprises of this compilation! It's a young boy of Paris, Alexx, that had asked me if he could have the bands of this song with the voices to part. He wanted to remix the title. I was very amazed that he chooses this song, moreover. It's the recent song which isn't very known of the general public. I would have much more understood that he asks me for the bands of " Petite fille aux yeux bleus" or a song of the time which had much more success. But he found this song and its text so beautiful that it was the one that he wanted to remix. I said myself " Why not? " He had the so dynamic air , very go-ahead type and so full of spirit that I crossed him bands. What did we risk at the bottom? Nothing! I was very honest on the other hand with him. I said to him that if that didn't please me, that wouldn't go farther. After some weeks, he sent me what he had made...
Well then?
And indeed, I was pleasantly surprised. It's, naturally, not my musical style, but I was surprised with the result and with the quality of its remix!
There is also a maxi version of "Fan Fan Fan".
It's the song which I recorded a little before I stop. The disco arrived and I had recorded this song with the arranger of Boney M in Frankfurt. We had made a radio's version, shorter, and a long version for the discotheques.It went out on maxi one white vinyl. It was very attractive for time. And it's this version which refinds on the compilation.
"Fan Fan Fan" isn't a part of symbolic songs of your directory. Does that please you to find it on the record?
I'm going to be very honest with you... No! (Roars of laughter) I'm rather a romantic singer. I like having feelings in songs. "Fan Fan Fan", I took out it when the disco arrived, but it isn't the music which I like listening to.
For the fans, on the other hand, the idea is very good to rerelease a maxi version which everybody doesn't have it at home.
Naturally, and it's all the interest of this compilation that brings some rarities. And then, I know that "Fan Fan Fan" is appreciated by many of my fans, it's the case to say it! And then, this maxi version has the interest also to be rather rare.
Do we find the original recordings?
Yes. They are all the original versions. Except "Ensemble". I had made in 2004 to have fun a version "bossa" of this title. While on the original version, I sing the very high title, on this version "bossa", I sing very low, with a totally different arrangement. Thus somebody who knows the song can be surprised by this new version. He will be surprised pleasantly or unpleasantly, moreover... Each is free or not to love this version "bossa"! (Laughter) But I asked Alexx whether it's the one who appears on the compilation.
Are there concerts planned next year?
Some concerts are planned in Portugal, with Hugo. But not here. You know, I have turned never a lot, even in the 70s. I began only in 1976 and I stopped in 1978. Thus...
But that tickles you all the same from time to time to go back up on stage at home, in France and in Belgium?
By phase, yes. It's little as the appetite. Sometimes I want it, sometimes not. But what is often sad in the stage, it's the lack of means. The record goes badly, everybody knows it. But the scene doesn't go so good no more...Many shows today deceive on bands, what is less funny. Because we can improvise nothing, we have to follow the band. With musicians, we can make what we want, while on bands, it's nothing of better than a karaoke... Thus, if it's to make a show on band, I'm much less ready!...
What are your other projects for 2011?
There, I'm very very concentrated on the Hugo's new album.
Comment taken in by IdolesMag on November 27th, 2010.
Find the original interview, here == > The originale Art's Sullivan's interview on IdolesMag
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