The talent of the Portuguese Hugo Sahki was discovered on Internet by the Belgian mythical singer of "Petite demoiselle". The first album is for soon.
He was shy, shameful and was afraid of the fact that would say his parents, his friends if he said that he liked singing, that could seem ridiculous. Thus, he sang in secret in his bedroom and made videos which he put on his blog. He can say to himself that he has a big luck. When Hugo receives a message saying that Art Sullivan had seen a video and that he was interested in his voice, he found that it was a good departure - in this day of April 1st, the traditional day of the lies. What is sure, weeks later, he was heading for Belgium, where is the romantic singer.
Now the author of "Petite demoiselle" compose for the Hugo's first album, for the throw after the summer. " There is a lot of people which know how to sing, but in his case, that comes from the heart, of the soul and that touches me much. I see in him an artist in all his greatness ", explains Art Sullivan to VIP the reasons which brought him to bet on a young person who was discovered by chance. " I see again myself little in him when I was 18-19 years old, he sang in his bedroom, me I sang in my cellar, I was also shy. I am finding my youth through him " says the 57-year-old singer, who is determined to launch the career of the 19-year-old young. " He got touched me and convinced me, it was necessary in light years to think of launching the career of a young people " he underlines.
Hugo is aware that " it fell of the sky, it is an enormous chance " and intends to seize this opportunity. He admits that he always liked singing, but now he has the notion that that can become its life. " I never see that as a profession, it is a way of sharing feelings with the others " he says, supposing that he is a " romantic singer ". But, he identifies himself, essentially, with " songs with text, author-singer, of true music ", that is with the old guarding of the French music: Serge Gainsbourg, Léo Ferré, Jacques Brel.
The shyness eventually lost on the road of these months of extensive work with Art Sullivan. " I continue to be shy, but the truth is that, when I begin to sing, I go out of my shell and I manage to pass on feelings ", he admits. One of fundamental point, for his 'tutor': " the love is the base of everything, is the base of the humanity. If there was no love, in the physical sense of the term, there would be no children, thus, there would be no humanity. For me, the emotion and the love are our blood. "
It is in this point that cross themselves the musical cultures of France and Portugal. Art knows Portugal for decades: " I came here from numerous times, before and after the Revolution, and I saw the evolution joining the country throughout these 30 years. " Already Hugo was born in France, but 4 years ago, it leaves living to Povoa de Varzim. It is in this occasion that he perfected his Portuguese, but he eventually gave up the school because he felt that it was not his way. For 2 years already, he helps his parents in the tearoom to Barcelos. The Portuguese mother and the Algerian father very well adapted themselves and do not emit the hypothesis to live in another country: " I was welcomed with open arms, I feel very well here, it is quiet. Portuguese are very loved ", says the young. Opinion shared by Art Sullivan: " The lack of punctuality irritates me, now, nobody can deny that it is the most kind people of the world " he concludes.
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